First-Year Seminars
/First-year seminars are a hidden gem at Penn. These classes serve as unique opportunities for first-year students to become acclimated to college academics. These classes are not required, but they are quite beneficial because they allow students to directly interact with a faculty member in a small class setting. The seminars are usually focused on a specific academic topic and can fulfill one of the College General Education Requirements.
First-year seminars cover a variety of topics, such as biology, literature, mathematics, music, and virtual reality. This semester, I am enrolled in a first-year seminar called Climate Change, Community and the Arts in Indonesia. The seminar is centered around the way that communities in Indonesia adapt to climate change through interpersonal connections, the arts, and politics. This seminar has allowed me to learn about topics that were not a part of my intended field of study when I got to Penn, and has motivated me to continue my study of them as I progress through college. In addition to learning about niche topics, many students at Penn agree that first-year seminars are a perfect place to make meaningful connections with other students. In fact, I met many of my close friends through my first-year seminar.
First-year seminars are a great way to start your academic life at Penn, and the benefits are truly infinite!
- Ananya M.