
If you're like me, the idea of intense networking at Penn seemed intimidating. It felt like a skill everyone was somehow expected to have already mastered, and something that was often draining and disingenuous. In reality, however, my experience has been nothing like that.

First, the idea that you need to act like the perfect candidate and have a flawless resume to “network” is absurd. In most cases, networking simply means staying in touch and having genuine conversations with the people you meet in classes, clubs, or work. As a first-year student, no one expects you to have it all figured out - if anything, it’s the opposite. So many professors and older students have given me valuable advice and opportunities that have left me feeling both prepared and excited for my next few years.

But more importantly, never be afraid to reach out about something that interests you! My favorite opportunity at Penn so far, conducting research with the Sociology department on religion and evolution, came about just because I sent an enthusiastic email and shared my genuine interest during a meeting.

 - Robin A.

Exploring Philly on a Budget

Whatever background you come from, it’s always good to find out things are free! And if you’re cheap like me, Philly luckily offers many opportunities for Penn students and city residents to go out and explore the city even when on a restricted budget. Here are some of my personal favorite spots:

1) The first Sunday of every month is “pay-what-you-want” at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, so that is the time to go visit the museum if they have an exhibit that interests you! In past experiences, the museum was never as packed as I expected it to be on those free admission days, so definitely expect a crowd, but also expect to have space for yourself.

2) The Curtis Institute, one of the most renowned music schools in the world, offers free recital tickets for student performances. Given that these are some of the most prodigious musicians globally, you can expect to be absolutely amazed by the quality of the performances, and Curtis is only a SEPTA ride away from Penn’s campus! If more contemporary music is your taste, the World Music Cafe also offers free shows at noon on Fridays, which is directly on Penn’s campus.

3) If you like traveling or hiking, there are plenty of free opportunities to do so as well! Cira Green which is located on the top floor of the Cira Building right by campus, which is a gorgeous lawn space overlooking the city. They also have block parties on Fridays so keep an eye out for that! For scenic hiking trips, I recommend Wissahickon Valley Parkwhich is not too far from University City but far enough to get away from the hustle and bustle. It is extremely peaceful and beautiful there!

4) For cheap eats, Chinatown right by Reading Terminal Market offers very offerable options for food with all you can eat dim-sum or hotpot at extremely affordable prices. I have great memories walking down the streets and just grabbing whatever looks delicious! For great, classic Philly cheesesteaks, Dalessandro’s Steaks are a fan-favorite location. My general advice is not sleep on the Asian food scene in Philly, there are some amazing spots! 

That is an extremely non-exhaustive list of some of my personal favorite spots in Philly, but be sure to always keep an eye out and ask around for any off-campus recommendations! 

-Seyoon C.

Working with numbers as a humanities student

When I came to Penn, I swore there was no way I’d ever voluntarily have anything to do with numbers again. After declaring my English major and completing all my non-humanities general education requirements, I was well on track to fulfilling this goal. Fortunately for me, I enrolled in a Criminal Justice course as a second-year on a whim, and this was the start of my appreciation for data and the social sciences.

I had always loved public policy and been passionate about criminal justice reform, but the data-driven approach to this criminal justice course provided a totally new perspective for me. I saw how a familiarity with statistical methods and programming languages provided a more empirical, objective, and inclusive means of testing out different criminal justice reforms. Though I was still intimidated at the prospect of a slightly more quantitative, social science field of study, I was inspired to declare a second major in Criminology.

Now a senior, I confidently recommend to any College student to get out of their academic comfort zone, gaining familiarity in both qualitative and quantitative subject matter. You may just find a new passion or at least a new way to look at a topic you already care about. I have STEM major friends, for example, who have absolutely loved taking creative writing classes or have enrolled in history classes with me to fulfill gen ed requirements. Currently, I am using the R programming language to write an honors thesis for criminology. Four years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it if someone told me I was learning to code by choice and getting excited to work with a bunch of data in my spare time. Now, I see it as a way to become a more well-rounded student and person, and I am so excited to see how my thesis turns out!

- Sami H.

Finding New Skills and Community in a College House

It’s early September. A friend of mine has decided to embrace haircutting, and a group gathers on the terrace to observe their craft. Twenty minutes (and one questionable haircut) later, my dorm neighbor and I opt to play a couple of games of pool in the nearby room before heading back. As we wrapped up, I joked, “What if we just decided to get really, really good at this?”

He laughed, before pausing to think a bit more. And so it began. We played three games a day, then five, then as long as it took until one of us tapped out. Within weeks, we went from struggling to make contact with the cue ball to impressing nearby students. Word of our pool fixation began to spread. When our schedules eased up, we played for three to six hours. On busier weeks, we studied in between rounds. Best of all, we weren’t alone – the pool room was a constant source of new social interactions. The regulars had all sorts of interests – neuroscience, criminology, economics, even dual-degree engineers from the fifth floor. You name the subject; we probably knew a pool player who was at least considering it for a minor.

The room became a seminar where students shared everything they were learning in the college. Whether it was Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Medicare policy, or developmental psychology, it was discussed with an uncanny degree of passion. The pool room encapsulates some of my favorite parts about the college. It’s a place where some of the smartest people you'll meet take a break from their chaotic schedules to relax, chat, and add yet another skill to their repertoire.

- Robin A.

My experience with the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program (PURM)

Every summer, Penn offers first and second year students a chance to stay on campus and work with faculty on their cutting edge research projects, as well as a generous stipend to mitigate costs of living. Last summer, I was lucky enough to participate in the program as a student in the Annenberg School of Communications’ Health Equity Lab. Under the tutelage of Prof. Andy Tan, and his incredible team of graduate students and research advisors, I investigated the connections between religiosity and vaping/smoking retention.  

PURM allows undergraduates to apply for three ongoing research projects, from fields like medical physics to historical archival work; the breadth of the programs offered is truly astonishing and seemingly endless. Personally, the hardest part of applying was choosing which topics I wanted to pursue! But in the end, I couldn’t be more grateful for the project I was accepted into. More so than the actual hard research skills I learned, the soft skills of collaborating with labmates, working on presentation skills, and attending daily meetings with the lab, turned out to be the most rewarding part of the experience. Whenever I was given tasks to complete throughout the week, the environment was never tense or stress-inducing, but my professor would always ask “How can I help you accomplish this goal?” or “What can I do to make this feasible for you?” which greatly eased the anxiety I had entering the lab. I was honestly astonished by the kindness of the staff, which makes sense since faculty who enroll for PURM do so on a volunteer basis. For all prospective students who desire to do research at Penn, please do not hesitate to look deeper into PURM’s program as it is one of the university’s most esteemed and reputable.

 - Seyoon C.

Navigating the College’s General Education Requirements as a Pre-Med

When I started choosing classes for my first semester at Penn, I was overwhelmed by the amount of courses I had to take before graduating. I was unsure how I was going to balance being pre-med with being a student in the College. Now, almost a year later, I have completed most of my general education requirements and am close to finishing the infamous “pre-med sequence.” Although it’s only been 3 semesters, completing the Gen Ed requirements has been a very easy process that hasn’t taken away from my academic experience at Penn. Instead, it has enriched it in many ways. During my first year, I decided to split my schedule between classes that fulfilled the Sectors of Knowledge/Foundational Approaches and the general pre-med classes. My first semester courses included calculus, chemistry, history, and a climate change class. Having a good balance between STEM and humanities courses allowed me to explore my interests in both fields while also understanding how to effectively manage my time as a first-semester college student.

It is extremely important to strategically plan your classes as a pre-med student, taking into account what classes can count towards your major, pre-med requirements, Gen-Eds, etc. It is also crucial to plan out when to start your Biology and Chemistry class sequences to be prepared to take the MCAT at the time you plan to. A great resource that is offered by Penn to help students navigate choosing classes as a pre-med at Penn is Pre-Health Advising Services (offered by Career Services). The pre-health advisors at Penn offer amazing advice about class choices, MCAT timeline, and applying to medical school! Overall, fulfilling the Gen Eds at Penn is not something that is as daunting as I had expected it to be and has actually allowed me to immerse myself in the culture of Philly and of the world.

- Ananya M.

my brat summer: research at penn

Let’s rewind to June 7th, 2024. While my hands were covered by 3 layers of gloves, I set the timer to 60, beginning a new sample. Little did I know, as I slowly drop casted chemicals, a wave of chartreuse hit the internet, and brat summer was born.

Exactly one week after I started my summer research experience via the VIPER (Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research) program at Penn, Charli XCX’s popgirl summer album took over my spotify by storm. My guess? My brat summer began there – a hugely fun and rewarding twelve weeks of research filled with new experiences like never before.

Being able to work with the frontier of knowledge and instrumentation is one of my favorite aspects of my research experience. My lab project, for example, works with quantum dots – the technology that won the 2023 nobel prize in chemistry. So I, with my samples in hand, tinkered with advanced scientific tools through Penn’s Singh Center for Nanotechnology, an advanced institute for fabrication and characterization at the nanoscale. Jumping headfirst into such specialized tools and knowledge areas can be daunting: yet, my fear that I might say something stupid quickly dissipated within my first week. I found my lab peers to be unbelievably supportive, helping me train on instruments and procedures. With Lana del Rey in my airpods, I familiarized myself —and applied my skills to contribute to— the world-class labs which reside on Penn campus.

However, while my discovery lies at the boundaries of science, the research community at Penn is not at all cornered within STEM fields. In fact, this was far from the case: dinnertime talk talk between friends who stayed on campus revealed to me the full multidisciplinary scale of knowledge acquisition. From medicine to math to design to marketing to philosophy, the diverse, vibrant interests of the Penn community remain ever-the-clearer.

My summer experience left me with still much more to explore: and thankfully, much like brat, research at Penn is not at all limited to the summer. With my back to back enrollment in MSE 0099: Independent Study and application to a CURF research grant, I delve deeper into my project as the semester progresses.

This 365 party girl lives on.

- Tony T.

Writing a Senior Thesis in Criminology

In the College, many majors allow students the option of writing an honors thesis in their senior year. With the guidance of a faculty advisor, students conduct extensive research throughout the year on a major-related topic of their choosing. Majors often have special courses that help students build the skills necessary for writing a thesis, and students who write a thesis can typically present their findings toward the end of the year. Currently, I am enrolled in the Criminology Capstone Seminar, a required class all senior Criminology majors take. This class has been so helpful in terms of demystifying what it means to write a thesis and conduct empirical research, and I have learned skills such as how to write a literature review or request data from a government institution. At the end of this semester, I will have developed a research design and proposal for a potential thesis, and am excited to say I have elected to continue my research into next semester through writing a thesis. Next semester, I will receive credit for an independent study in which I work with my Criminology faculty advisor to conduct my data analysis and actually write my thesis, in which I seek to examine how systemic administrative delays in the Philadelphia court system impacts defendants’ likelihood of reoffending.

- Samara H.

Spending the summer in Philly

This summer, I decided to stay on campus to work in my research lab. Through this experience, I not only gained a lot of knowledge about the research I was involved in but also the fun things to do in Philly during the summer. One of my favorite activities that I did during the summer was cooking. Every weekend, my friends and I would take the SEPTA to the Trader Joes in Center City. We would attempt to make a new recipe every week (which usually was successful!). Another fun activity to do in Philly is exploring the various festivals that are hosted in Center City and neighborhoods within Philly. These are great ways to become more connected with the greater Philadelphia community and immerse oneself in the various cultures that make up the city! Other places that many people explore during the summer include the Schuylkill River, Rittenhouse Square, and the Poconos. There’s a lot to do outside Penn over the summer and it’s really enjoyable to explore all that is offered!

- Ananya M.

Navigating general education requirements (at Penn and beyond!)

When I was whittling down colleges off my application list in high school, a big deciding factor for me was how many general education requirements each school had. Unlike liberal arts colleges, most universities require all undergraduates to take a few STEM courses, a few humanities/social sciences, alongside some sort of language.

 In the College, the sector and foundational requirements are our unique categories for gen. ed’s, alongside four semesters of a foreign language. Initially, I dreaded requirements like “formal reasoning and analysis” or “quantitative data analysis”, as it brought back flashbacks to high school chemistry and math classes. But as a junior on the cusp of finishing all the gen. ed’s, I’ve come to realize how doable they can be for three main reasons:

 1) The sectors and foundational requirements are multi-disciplinary. If STEM is not your strong suit, you can take math courses catered towards humanities majors like “Ideas of Mathematics” that imbues philosophy and history into its curriculum, or “Game Theory” which applies statistical concepts to board games. Vice versa, classes like “History of Medicine” or “American Public Health Policy” combine STEM concepts with social science. These are just a few examples of the many classes that bridge between different subject areas that fulfill similar requirements.

 2) The community. It’s very cheesy to say, but what is the one caveat of suffering through a course you don’t like? Making friends while doing it! I decided to take a high-level Korean language course in my first semester, and while it wasn’t productive for any requirement, I have no regrets. That class taught me that taking a smaller-sized course is a much more approachable way to make friends in your first semester. It’s also a method to get a lot closer to the professor who teaches it, as you’ll find that smaller classes invite greater discussion.

 3) You’ll discover why you like certain subjects over others. Coming in as a psychology major and then switching to history, it’s no surprise that after taking STEM courses I didn’t have a magical switch-up into becoming a chemistry major. Rather, my point is that experience is the best way to rule out which courses you like and don’t like, and being able to pinpoint a reason as to why will help you filter out career paths later on in college. I would have never realized my love for public health if I didn’t take a health communications course, which led me to do research in the Annenberg school for the past two semesters.

 All in all, the gen. ed’s are often unavoidable. But with great policies like double counting, students usually only have to take 6-7 courses to fulfill all the sectors and foundationals. Look for the positive in them, and make the most of the situation. Best of luck everyone!

 - Seyoon C.

The Power of Networking

As I navigated my journey through college, one lesson stood out among the rest: the importance of networking and building meaningful connections. It’s often said that “it’s not just what you know, but who you know”—a phrase I initially dismissed as cliché. However, my experiences soon taught me that this couldn’t be more true, especially when it comes to securing internships and preparing for my future career.

Discovering Networking’s Value

In my early college days, I was focused primarily on my coursework, striving to excel academically. I believed that good grades and hard work would be enough to land internships. But as I started exploring opportunities in my field, I quickly realized the landscape was more competitive than I had anticipated.

During my freshman year, I attended a career fair on campus, which turned out to be a pivotal moment. I remember feeling nervous as I approached the booths, surrounded by students confidently chatting with recruiters. I had done little networking and felt unprepared to engage in meaningful conversations. It was then that I began to understand the significance of relationships in the professional world.

Motivated to change my approach, I took the initiative to connect with professors, alumni, and peers. Here’s how I learned to effectively network:

1. Leveraging Faculty Relationships: I started attending office hours and engaging more with my professors. They not only provided guidance on academic matters but also had valuable connections in the industry. One professor, in particular, encouraged me to attend a seminar where I met industry professionals who later became instrumental in my internship search.

2. Joining Student Organizations: I became involved in clubs related to my major, which introduced me to like-minded individuals and industry leaders. These organizations often hosted guest speakers and networking events, providing me with the chance to make connections in a more relaxed setting.

3. Utilizing LinkedIn: I created a LinkedIn profile and began to build my network online. I connected with classmates, professors, and professionals I met at events. Engaging with their content and reaching out for informational interviews became key strategies in my networking toolkit.

Reflecting on my experiences, I now wholeheartedly believe in the power of networking. It’s not merely a strategy for landing internships; it’s about cultivating relationships that can enhance your academic and professional journey. Each connection can lead to new opportunities, insights, and support—whether it's finding a mentor, learning about internships, or simply gaining advice on navigating challenges.

As I continue my path toward my career goals, I’m committed to nurturing these connections and leveraging the network I’ve built. So, whether you’re just starting out or well on your way, remember: it truly is about the people you know, and investing in those relationships can make all the difference.

- Tsering S.

A Day in My Life

Hey everyone! Below is a Monday in my life as a UPenn Sophomore who is studying Economics in the College:

6:00 AM - I woke up bright and early this morning. I have been really trying to utilize the mornings to get my body moving for the day and to get a lot of my assignments done. I also slept around 10:15 the night before!

6:15 AM - I headed to the gym and specifically worked on triceps, shoulders, and chest. I genuinely love going to the gym in the morning because it really kick starts my day and makes me feel more productive and energized throughout the day.

7 AM - I headed back to my dorm and got ready for the day!

7:45 AM - I headed to eat breakfast at Commons. I usually go for oatmeal and fruits as well as a hard boiled egg.

8:15 AM - I went to the Perelman Center Building to finish some assignments before my first class of the day which starts at 10:15 AM, and I always try to put my phone in my bag under my seat to allow myself to go into a flow state while working.

10:15 AM-11:15 AM - ECON 0200 Lecture

11:15 AM - Look through emails/messages from the night before/this morning

12 PM - 1 PM - SPAN 0400 Class

1 PM - I headed over to Houston to grab a salad from Ivy Leaf and my next class is at DRL, (David Rittenhouse Laboratory) so I headed to Shoemaker Green (the green grass area near DRL) and eat my lunch outside while enjoying the weather

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM - MATH 1070 Class

3:30 PM - 5 PM - I head over to Fisher Library (one of my favorite study spots on campus!) and study for upcoming ECON exam.

5 PM - 6 PM: I went to Claudia Cohen Hall because we had our College Cognoscenti Monthly GBM today! We are a very small, but tight-knit group and I love our Cogno group!

6:30 - 8 PM: Had one club meeting and an info session (one was in person and the other one was virtual respectively)

8 PM - 9 PM: Headed back to my dorm and chatted with my suitemate (We always debrief every single day!) I usually use this time to also call my family and other friends back home!

9 PM: I usually start getting ready to head to sleep around this time (or I really try to!)

9:15 PM - 9:45 PM: I have really made it a priority to read 30 mins every single night before going to sleep. I really enjoy reading memoirs and self development books. 

9:45 PM: I headed to sleep early today!

- Tsering S.

From First-Year to PHINS

The palestra doors were held wide open: inside was the sweet smell of delicious pastries, philly cheesesteaks, and the unmistakable excitement of no less than three hundred Penn first year students. Happy conversations and nice-to-meet-you filled the inside but could not be contained, with its passion and ecstasy seeping out onto Shoemaker green.

A year ago I was immersed in this chaos of greetings, and now here I am once more, yet in a hugely different role.

As a PHINS (Peers Helping Integrate New Students) leader, I was here, once again, at the international student orientation picnic, now helping facilitate and set up the event. Fond memories flooded my mind, as this picnic just one short year ago was my first ever Penn event. Countless friendships were started here between myself and the people I hold closest to me. What satisfaction and strange nostalgia it was to now look back as an outsider to the event – from one of the first year students myself to now helping first years build new relationships and transition into their new life.

Looking back at the past year I had, I am incredibly grateful for NSO and the connections it helped me build. College can all of a sudden be a lonely place, and knowing a few familiar faces walking down Locust Walk makes the difference.

For this reason, I was motivated to become a PHINS member as a returning sophomore. For the first time, I saw what the passionate chaos of NSO looked like from the other perspective: the great challenges of event planning, the logistics of managing two and half thousand new faces on campus, and the desire to support our new peers as they move onto campus.

It is unbelievable to think about how many of those faces I saw will return a year later, just as I did, as a PHINS leader, to help transition the new generation.

Welcome to our collective home, Class of ‘28!

- Tony T.

Applying to Grad School

Since my first year at Penn, I’ve always known I wanted to go to law school. However, when I decided this summer that I actually wanted to apply in this cycle, I was daunted by all the things I had to do and did not know where to start. Fortunately, Penn Career Services offers extensive pre-graduate school advising resources, whether students are interested in advanced degrees in the sciences, humanities, or are pre-health or pre-law. This advising is accessible for students of any year and at any stage in the process, so I had sought their advice before for how best to prepare for law school, and thus was familiar with the services they offered for students applying to graduate school. Career services has connected me to information sessions hosted by various law schools, advised me on standardized testing and where to apply, and even provides a document review service to give feedback on application essays and resumes. They also host frequent webinars and drop in office hours, so whenever I am stuck on a question or component of my application, I know that the career services staff makes themselves very accessible for guidance. I am so grateful for the support of Penn’s pre-law advising throughout this process, as it has truly made the process significantly less intimidating and allowed me to gain expert input on many of my application components. This pre-graduate school advising remains a resource for Penn students even after they graduate, so students who choose to take gap years in between undergraduate and graduate school should know that Penn’s campus-wide advising network is never more than an email, call, or Zoom away.

- Samara H.

Unlocking the College Door: Essential Keys to your Application Journey

1. Start Early and Stay Organized

Starting your college application process early can significantly reduce stress and help you put your best foot forward. Here’s how to effectively manage your time and stay organized:

- Create a Timeline: Begin by mapping out all critical dates for your chosen colleges, including application deadlines, financial aid submissions, and standardized test dates. Use a calendar app or a physical planner to mark these dates clearly.

- Checklist of Requirements: For each school, list the required materials: transcripts, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and test scores. This way, you can track your progress and ensure you’re gathering everything on time.

- Daily/Weekly Goals: Break the process into smaller tasks. For example, set weekly goals for writing sections of your personal statement, reaching out to recommenders, or researching financial aid options. This makes the process feel more manageable and allows for steady progress.

2. Research Your Schools

Understanding the schools you’re interested in is crucial for making informed decisions. Here’s how to conduct thorough research:

- Program Exploration: Look into specific programs and majors offered at each school. Review course catalogs to see if they align with your academic interests. Consider reaching out to faculty or current students for insights into the curriculum and opportunities for research or internships.

- Campus Culture: Every college has its unique vibe. Explore campus life through student blogs, social media, and virtual tours. Pay attention to aspects like student organizations, cultural events, and community involvement that resonate with you.

- Location and Environment: Consider the college's location—urban, suburban, or rural—and how it fits your lifestyle. Research the local community, transportation options, and what amenities are nearby.

- Visit When Possible: If feasible, plan campus visits or attend open houses. These experiences can provide invaluable firsthand impressions and help you gauge whether you can envision yourself thriving in that environment.

3. Understand the Requirements

Familiarizing yourself with the specific application requirements for each college is essential to avoid last-minute surprises. Here’s how to stay informed:

- Application Platforms: Determine whether the schools use the Common Application, Coalition Application, or their own application portal. Create accounts early to familiarize yourself with the interface and requirements.

- Admission Criteria: Review each school’s admission criteria, which can often be found on their websites. Pay attention to GPA, standardized test score ranges, and any specific coursework or extracurricular expectations.

- Standardized Tests: Check if the schools you’re interested in require SAT or ACT scores. Be mindful of registration deadlines for these tests, and consider whether you need to prepare through classes or tutoring.

- Essays and Personal Statements: Each school may have different essay prompts or requirements. Make a note of these and start brainstorming ideas early. Understand the themes or values the college emphasizes, as this can guide your writing.

4. Craft a Compelling Personal Statement

Your personal statement is your opportunity to present your story and individuality. Here’s how to create a powerful essay:

- Brainstorm Ideas: Reflect on your experiences, challenges, and passions. Consider what has shaped you as a person and a student. Jot down key moments that highlight your growth, resilience, and motivations.

- Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts into a clear structure. A typical outline might include an engaging introduction, a detailed body that expands on your experiences, and a conclusion that ties everything together and reflects your future aspirations.

- Be Authentic: Authenticity is key. Write in your own voice and share your unique perspective. Avoid clichés and generic statements; focus on what truly matters to you and how it relates to your college journey.

- Seek Feedback: After drafting your personal statement, ask trusted teachers, family members, or mentors to review it. Constructive feedback can help you refine your message and improve clarity and coherence.

- Revise Thoroughly: Don’t rush the revision process. Allow time to step away from your essay, then return to it with fresh eyes. Look for areas to enhance your narrative, clarify your points, and eliminate any grammar or spelling errors.

5. Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation can provide insight into your character and capabilities from those who know you well. Here’s how to ensure you obtain strong recommendations:

- Choose the Right Recommenders: Select individuals who can speak to different aspects of your personality and achievements. This might include a favorite teacher, a coach, or a mentor. Ensure they know you well enough to provide specific examples of your strengths.

- Provide Context: When asking for a recommendation, share your academic interests, career goals, and reasons for applying to each school. This information can help recommenders write more tailored and compelling letters.

- Ask Early: Approach your recommenders well in advance of deadlines—ideally a month or more. This shows respect for their time and gives them the opportunity to write thoughtful letters.

- Follow Up with Gratitude: After securing a recommendation, express your gratitude through a thank-you note. It’s a nice gesture and reinforces the positive relationship you have with your recommender.

- Check Submission Requirements: Ensure that recommenders are aware of how and when to submit their letters, whether electronically or through mail. Follow up politely to confirm they’ve submitted their letters before the deadlines.

- Tsering S.

Advice I would give my first-year self:

1. Don’t forget the importance of clubs!
When I started college, I promised myself I’d take a 'break' from extracurricular activities because in high school, they often felt overwhelming and added too much to my workload. However, I quickly realized that in college, clubs don’t have to be another burden. In fact, they’re one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to connect with campus life and meet new people! If you’re worried about balancing commitments, don’t worry—there are plenty of clubs with low time requirements, so you can get involved without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Take advantage of your proximity to other students!
The dorm style of first-year living really encourages connecting with your neighbors. The smaller room sizes naturally lead people to spend more time in common areas, making it easier to meet others. Additionally, college houses frequently host events like pumpkin painting, pancake bars, apple picking, and more—sometimes daily, and almost always weekly. After your first year, it becomes less common to befriend your neighbors, so I’d definitely recommend taking full advantage of this unique opportunity to build connections early on.

3. Going to lecture and office hours
I know this might sound repetitive since everyone says it, but these things really do matter. Skipping lectures is the quickest way to fall behind. Even if you can’t fully focus, just being there and absorbing some of the material is much better than missing out entirely. As for office hours, I get that they’re not mandatory and might seem inconvenient, but they truly make a huge difference. If you’re struggling with a concept or assignment, going to office hours will save you time and frustration compared to spending hours trying to figure it out alone. Plus, they offer a great opportunity to connect with other students, TAs, and professors.

- Emma L.

Navigating Research at Penn

Penn is known as a research-focused university, and students tend to find navigating the world of research quite daunting when they get to campus. Although research may be something that students feel that they need to participate in, it is important to understand that there are other opportunities in which students can apply the knowledge they gain in the classroom to the real world. It is also crucial to understand that research is not only done in a lab setting, with a lab coat and safety goggles. Research is done in a variety of fields, including the humanities, and is extremely fulfilling to participate in. Faculty at Penn are extremely enthusiastic about having undergraduates involved in their research. Penn also provides many resources to help students participate in academic research. The biggest hub for research on campus is the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF). CURF is used by a large part of the student population at Penn to start their research journey during college. CURF has many resources, including the CURF research directory, the research peer advising (RPA) program, and the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentorship (PURM) program. These are all great resources for students interested in engaging in research at Penn!

- Ananya M.

Fun Penn Traditions

Penn is a historic university, chartered even before the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. So in the span of this nearly 300 year history, many interesting traditions have emerged amongst student life! Here are some of my favorites:

Museum Night: During New Student Orientation (NSO), all first-years are invited to attend a gala at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (where Rocky was filmed!) and enjoy an evening socializing while surrounded by beautiful artwork. It was that moment I first realized the scale of Penn’s resources. Museum Night was a scene out of a movie, where I saw the most lavish gowns and literal towers of hors-d'oeuvre. Coming from a relatively rural community, it was a night I’ll never forget.

Spring Fling: Spring Fling is an annual festival for the students at the end of each Spring semester, usually beginning on the Friday of the second to last week of the semester and continuing until Saturday night. Dubbed the largest college party on the East Coast, Spring Fling is definitely one of the wildest times new students have in their first-year. Last year, Metro Boomin was invited to campus and I had a blast going to Penn Park with my friends, screaming the night away. If you’re into large parties and raves, then this is the right tradition for you!

HeyDey: This is a tradition available only to juniors, where third-year students gather on the High Rise Field for a picnic donning Penn-colored straw hats and canes, and march down Locust Walk to officially be declared as seniors by the President! This triumphant tradition is a major stepping stone to any Penn student, and something I am seriously looking forward to as a junior this year. The canes and corny hats might be a little off-putting, but I think that’s part of the charm.

This list is non-exhaustive, as Penn truly has hundreds of traditions for students of all interests! Feel free to plug any of these events into your application to Penn to showcase demonstrated interest. Good luck and have fun everyone!

- Seyoon C.

Get to Know: Fisher Fine Arts

As a Penn student, I have discovered many gems to study on campus, but my favorite is definitely the Fisher Fine Arts Library. One of the most striking features of Fisher Fine Arts is its architecture. Studying here feels like stepping back in time while still enjoying the modern amenities of a top-notch university library. Aside from its beauty, Fisher Fine Arts offers a calm environment for studying. The library houses an enormous collection of art books, journals, and resources, making it the perfect place for students in these fields. The quiet study areas and comfortable seats make it easy to settle in for a long study session with a lot of natural light. It is the perfect place to study for finals. Whether you are a fine arts major, an architecture enthusiast, or simply looking for a beautiful and quiet place to study, I highly recommend visiting Fisher Fine Arts.

- Majo V.

Advice from a Senior in her Spring Semester

For a lot of Penn students, senioritis starts right after Hey Day. As soon as we parade down Locust, adorned with red shirts, plastic hats, and wooden canes, our minds are already thinking ahead towards graduation. Once senior year starts, fun is a mandatory daily event. Class schedules are lighter and fun times are earlier than ever. I never thought I’d see the day when my fellow peers were taking 2 classes a semester and could actually sleep in without feeling guilty for missing an entire day worth of material. Unfortunately, for me, I’m a bit of an overachiever and decided to take 5.5 credits instead of the 1-3 that I could’ve done and still graduated on time. Whether your senior semester is full of studying or full of excitement, there’s so many ways to make the most of your last few months at Penn.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone! If you haven’t explored Philly in depth, do it now! There’s so much to see and do outside of University City and what better time to do it than before graduation.

  2. Don’t be afraid to add on more fun and easy classes. A lot of students look forward to senior year because it means a bulk of their major requirements is completed. Since they still need some credits to graduate, they look for fun and interesting classes that will make their semester chill. If you really want to take a certain class, TAKE IT! Don’t worry about not having as light of a schedule as someone who’s only taking 2. If you have an opportunity to take that class, do it!

  3. DON’T slack off. Just because it’s senior semester doesn’t mean the work stops. Keep pushing till the end and you’ll be glad you did.

  4. Don’t worry too much about what happens after graduation. Whether you secured a job or lab position or not, everything will fall into place when it should. “Don’t sweat the timeline” - Daveed Diggs!

  5. Do as many fun on-campus activities as possible! So many free food events and activities happen during the year so take advantage of all of them.

  6. Have fun!! You’ve worked so hard and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! Don’t take things too seriously and enjoy your last few months as an undergraduate!

- Joyce D.