How Sporting Events have Enhanced My Penn Experience
/One thing people always ask me when I discuss my Penn experience is: what makes Philly different from any other city?
When I respond, I think back to the moment the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl nearly two years ago and the passion and energy pulsing through the city. I talked with friends who grew up to Philly about what the Eagles’ first-ever Super Bowl victory meant to them and their families. And I remember watching the parade and taking part in the spontaneous Eagle chants with the crowds of fans on Broad Street.
People in Philly are passionate about their sports teams. While I’ve always enjoyed watching and following sports growing up, my interest has broadened through meeting friends who also share an interest in sports and attending Penn and Philly sporting events. I have watched Penn basketball and football games and attended 76ers basketball and Phillies baseball games. Some of the highlights of my Penn experience have been defined by sporting events.
Sports have provided an outlet to escape from the oftentimes stressful nature of classes and exams, and instead focus on something exciting and unifying. I feel as though the Penn spirit is most palpable during the Homecoming football games, when alumni return to campus to celebrate reunions and reconnect through events on-campus. Everyone donned in Penn gear, the band playing, and all the cheers throughout the game reinvigorate my excitement about being here at Penn. And yes – we really throw toast during the game.
So, when I think about what makes Philly distinctive, I will always consider the positive impact the sports culture in Philly has had on my college experience.
- Brian Z.