Choosing Courses as a Pre-Med Student

Course registration at the University of Pennsylvania always seems like one of the biggest events on campus. The rush of finding the right courses for your major, ensuring that you’re on the right track for applying to graduate school, and checking that you are fulfilling the general education requirements can seem overwhelming. However, with the right preparation and advice, this hectic time of the semester can feel a little less daunting. For pre-med students, the struggle of balancing the bio/chem sequence with classes you enjoy is extremely relevant. When planning your courses for the semester, it is important to prioritize what classes you may need to fulfill medical school requirements without forgetting to take classes that give you a break from a STEM-heavy schedule. What most people find useful is listing pre-med specific, major-specific, and general education courses in a spreadsheet. From there, you can create a timeline and split your courses up based on the time you give yourself.

When finding the right courses to take (that are both intellectually and personally fulfilling), it is helpful to ask upperclassmen who are on similar academic journeys. These individuals have experienced what the pre-medical track looks like at Penn, and can help you create a specialized four year plan for you. They know what courses require a lot of commitment as well as courses that students take out of pure interest. There is no right path to take when choosing your courses as a pre-med student, but it is essential to find balance in your schedule.

- Ananya M.